November 2020 Challenge Start and October 2020 Challenge Recap

Sunday November 1, 2020 // Evening Hang Out

Let’s not bury the lede. 🎆I completed my October 2020 Challenge 🎆. It was a moderate challenge for myself, pretty much exactly what I was looking for. This article discusses the October 2020 Challenge and how I’m adjusting and adding to these habits for a November 2020 Challenge.

Here’s what my tracker ended up looking like:

Google Sheets of my October 2020 Challenge Habit Tracker

Let’s go through each habit/goal briefly.

Habit #1: Drink 24oz of Water Everyday

Total Water Consumed in October: 816 Ounces

This habit was shockingly easy for me but had a very negative side effect. Without the extremely tiny amount of “working in public” pressure that this website gave me, I never would have done this. After two weeks I became bored with this habit and wanted to spice it up and try to get to 36 ounces. That was a mistake.

My routine was solid at first. 12 ounces first thing in the morning. Then around 6 ounces at lunch and 6 ounces for dinner. A lot of the time I would skip the lunch 6 ounces and just do the 12 ounces at dinner. This was fine and doable. 

However there were unexpected consequences when I ramped up from 24 to 36 ounces and I skipped that lunch dosage. I’d end up drinking 24 ounces in the evening and would then be forced to get up at least twice in the middle of the night. #smallbladderproblems

Most days towards the end of the challenge I was missing that lunch 6+ ounces. Sigh.

For this month instead of trying to make the jump from 24 to 36, I’m going to split the difference. 30oz a day everyday for the next four weeks. 

My initial thinking is 12 ounces first thing in the morning. 12 at lunchtime. And 6 throughout the evening. Hopefully this’ll keep the 2:00 AM wake ups to a minimum…

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