Preparation > Surprise

Wednesday October 9, 2024 // Morning

I’m five years into this whole parenting thing. One of the best pieces of advice I stumbled upon was to prepare your tiny human before an activity. Give them a heads up of what they’re going to do and what’s going to happen there hours, if not days, beforehand.

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Come With Me

Wednesday October 2, 2024 // Early Morning

Last night I had a moment. It was nearing 7:45 PM – the you must be in bed by this time time. My kid had left something downstairs. It was something so trivial that 12 hours later I don’t recall what it was. But it was the most important thing in the world to him right then. He wanted me to go get it. Cue a parental decision point.

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Too Much

Saturday January 20, 2024 // Early Morning

Everyone is still asleep. The dog needs to go out soon though. Out into yesterday’s snow.

I’ve been thinking about the quantity of everything recently. There’s so much everything. Everything continues to grow and always will be growing. And it’s something I don’t believe we are equipped to handle biologically or temporally. We don’t have the ability or the time for everything.

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A Snow Day with My Four and a Half Year Old

Friday January 19, 2024 // Late Morning

It snowed this morning. About 3″ of fluffy snow. My kid is now four and a half – and you better not forget the “and a half.” He helped me shovel. He absolutely loved it. We shoveled our driveway, our sidewalk, then three of our neighbors’ sidewalks. For a newbie shoveler, he did stellar.

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What We Lost

Monday March 7, 2022 // Past Bedtime

We’re roughly a week shy from the two year anniversary of the day life got turned upside down for virtually everyone. Two years ago my little guy was 9 months old. He had just started crawling. Actually, he was doing this thing where he’d basically butterfly stroke forward rather than a traditional crawl. Today, he’s a (mostly) talking, leaping, jumping, iPhone-using, amazing tiny human.

Moments ago I was doing the usual late evening scroll through the socials and was reading some thread on the bird app. It was about, shocker, the pandemic, getting back to normal, and “reclaiming what we lost”.

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The Unpredictability of Sleep for Toddler Dads

Tuesday December 14, 2021 // Pre-Dawn Hours

Outside of a handful of odd nights, since beginning WFH last March (~20 months ago) I’ve been able to sleep until my body naturally wakes me up at around 6:45-7:00 AM. It’s been glorious. Since I graduated college more than a decade ago, my job + commute has had me waking up in the early part of 5 a.m. hour.

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Newborn vs. Toddler Fatherhood Challenges

Saturday September 4, 2021 // Naptime

A good friend of mine recently had a baby. He sent me a message with a picture of the little guy a few hours after delivery. I welcomed him to the dad club in my response back to him. A week later I got a message saying, “Where did this week go? Time is meaningless… Coffee is life…”

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Where Do We Go From Here?

Monday July 19, 2021 // Well Past Bedtime

I’d like to believe every parent of a toddler has had the same life-fulfilling experience I’ve had over the past 16 months of being at home with my kid all-day, everyday. That’s not reality though. People are begging to get out of the house. Go back to normal. Get back to their old lives. Not this guy though.

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Holding On

Tuesday September 1, 2020 // Morning Nap

Today my little guy is just north of 14 months old. He’s a chunk. Running around, chasing the dog, climbing on everything… It’s so much fun to be with him all day long everyday.

Presently we’re nap jailing on the couch at my neighbor’s house. We’re getting some work done in the house so we’re social distancing in our friends’ basement who are in our tiny quarantine circle.

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There’s No Going Back

Tuesday August 11, 2020 // Afternoon Nap

It’s been ::checks calendar:: nearly six months since I’ve published on this website. That’s a lie.

I did publish an article. I think this is the first article I’ve ever straight-up deleted from one of my websites. It was pre-COVID chaos about COVID and traveling with the little guy. We had a trip planned back in May to go to Los Angeles, San Diego, and Denver. In early March I published something about how we’re still going to go, we can’t be scared to travel, yada yada. Whoops.

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