There’s No Going Back

Tuesday August 11, 2020 // Afternoon Nap

It’s been ::checks calendar:: nearly six months since I’ve published on this website. That’s a lie.

I did publish an article. I think this is the first article I’ve ever straight-up deleted from one of my websites. It was pre-COVID chaos about COVID and traveling with the little guy. We had a trip planned back in May to go to Los Angeles, San Diego, and Denver. In early March I published something about how we’re still going to go, we can’t be scared to travel, yada yada. Whoops.

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Pure Laughter

Thursday February 13, 2020 // Past Bedtime

Extremely short post.

Tonight for a solid ten minutes I shook at half-drank (drunk?) Gatorade bottle in front of my son and he laughed harder than I’ve ever heard someone laugh before. Which in turn caused me to laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed before.

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What the Parenting Books Don’t Tell You About: Dishes

Monday February 3, 2020 // Past Bedtime

I want to talk about something the parenting books and blogs and coworker with six kids doesn’t warn you about enough — dishes. The sheer amount of dishes one does as a new parent is mind-boggling.

Dishes take up about 4% of my waking life. How’d I get to this calculation? I’m awake from approximately 5:30 AM – 10:30 PM. That’s 17 hours or 1,020 minutes. I spend roughly 40 minutes doing dishes each day. 40/1020 = 3.9%. How can I be a 100% father when that much of my day is dedicated to a sponge?

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What is Important?

Thursday January 23, 2020 // Lunchtime

What is important? I’m not talking about the “urgent vs. important” topic that always comes up in discussions about productivity. I’m talking about life.

What’s important in life?

As a new father, a lot of my thinking is directly related to parenthood.

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Quick Reflections on the First Six Months of Fatherhood

Saturday December 21, 2019 // Morning Nap

My wife is out running errands and the little guy just fell asleep. A shot of espresso is in my system and the dog is content with a bone. As long as the nap holds, there’s no better time to attempt to write than this very second.

My son will soon be six months old. Wow. They’re right. Time flies once you become a parent. The first ~two months are kinda slow because it’s all so new and you’re exhausted. Since then though, it’s gone by faster than I could have ever imagined.

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Groundhog Day Parenting

Monday December 9, 2019 // Bedtime

It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in. I haven’t forgotten about you. I’ve been buried under a mountain of work and emails and bottles and laundry. Too far buried to think about sticking my head out for even as long as Punxsutawney Phil would.

Being a working parent is rough. I knew it going into this whole thing. I wouldn’t trade it for the world (well, maybe working part and the dishes part). But I sure do wish it wasn’t 9:30 PM every night and I’m looking around thinking, “where did the day go?”. Every night. Tonight is no different.

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Memories from the First 14 Weeks of Fatherhood

Thursday September 26th, 2019 // After Bedtime

My kid turns 14 weeks in a few days. For those unaccustomed to counting in weeks instead of months like I was a short time ago, that’s a little north of 3 months old.

The days and weeks are whizzing by. I feel like I’m running alongside a highway and the cars and trucks passing me are time itself.

Before I blink and 14 weeks is 14 years, I want to jot down some memories from my time with my little guy up to this point so they don’t get lost on the side of my time road.

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First Day of Daycare

Monday September 23rd, 2019 // Mid-Afternoon

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. The days leading up to our Asheville road trip were hectic. We had a successful trip which included numerous stops on highway exits in the middle of nowhere to change diapers. And once we made it back home it was like work and life wanted 110% of every waking second from me.

Today, weeks after our trip, is the first real breath of air I’ve been able to come up for. I took the day off from work. Might I suggest that more Mondays and just random workdays get taken off more often. I took today off because today was the first day of our little guy going to daycare.

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Playing Catch With My Son // A Father’s Dream

Monday August 26th, 2019 // Just After Bedtime

I just put my little guy down for the night. He’s laying in the pack ‘n play in our room. Tossing and turning every 30-60 seconds. He’ll eventually stop and fall asleep in the next ten minutes. At least that’s how it normally goes.

We’re over nine weeks into him being with us. It’s flown. The time goes by so damn fast.

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