Sunday November 29, 2020 // Morning
Another month in the books and man, the past four weeks went by faster than the Flash. This article tees up my December 2020 Challenge and recaps my November 2020 challenge. Let’s get into it.
Thoughts on life, travel, and fatherhood
Sunday November 29, 2020 // Morning
Another month in the books and man, the past four weeks went by faster than the Flash. This article tees up my December 2020 Challenge and recaps my November 2020 challenge. Let’s get into it.
Sunday November 1, 2020 // Evening Hang Out
Let’s not bury the lede. 🎆I completed my October 2020 Challenge 🎆. It was a moderate challenge for myself, pretty much exactly what I was looking for. This article discusses the October 2020 Challenge and how I’m adjusting and adding to these habits for a November 2020 Challenge.
Here’s what my tracker ended up looking like:
Let’s go through each habit/goal briefly.
Saturday October 3, 2020 // Afternoon Nap
Anyone in my inner circle or who has been following my online writings for a long time knows I’m deeply into habits and routines. Long before James Clear rose to his popularity, I was habit stacking and habit tracking. Not trying to tout myself as some guru or anything. I’m most certainly not. I just want to set the stage for anyone new to me.
Tuesday September 1, 2020 // Morning Nap
Today my little guy is just north of 14 months old. He’s a chunk. Running around, chasing the dog, climbing on everything… It’s so much fun to be with him all day long everyday.
Presently we’re nap jailing on the couch at my neighbor’s house. We’re getting some work done in the house so we’re social distancing in our friends’ basement who are in our tiny quarantine circle.
Tuesday August 11, 2020 // Afternoon Nap
It’s been ::checks calendar:: nearly six months since I’ve published on this website. That’s a lie.
I did publish an article. I think this is the first article I’ve ever straight-up deleted from one of my websites. It was pre-COVID chaos about COVID and traveling with the little guy. We had a trip planned back in May to go to Los Angeles, San Diego, and Denver. In early March I published something about how we’re still going to go, we can’t be scared to travel, yada yada. Whoops.
Thursday February 13, 2020 // Past Bedtime
Extremely short post.
Tonight for a solid ten minutes I shook at half-drank (drunk?) Gatorade bottle in front of my son and he laughed harder than I’ve ever heard someone laugh before. Which in turn caused me to laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed before.
Monday February 3, 2020 // Past Bedtime
I want to talk about something the parenting books and blogs and coworker with six kids doesn’t warn you about enough — dishes. The sheer amount of dishes one does as a new parent is mind-boggling.
Dishes take up about 4% of my waking life. How’d I get to this calculation? I’m awake from approximately 5:30 AM – 10:30 PM. That’s 17 hours or 1,020 minutes. I spend roughly 40 minutes doing dishes each day. 40/1020 = 3.9%. How can I be a 100% father when that much of my day is dedicated to a sponge?
Thursday January 23, 2020 // Lunchtime
What is important? I’m not talking about the “urgent vs. important” topic that always comes up in discussions about productivity. I’m talking about life.
What’s important in life?
As a new father, a lot of my thinking is directly related to parenthood.
Tuesday January 7, 2020 // Past Bedtime
Can I tell you a secret? It’s deep and it doesn’t want to be shared. It’s the kind of secret you have no problem keeping to yourself. There’s zero temptation to let it slip out to your friend or even your dog.